Dr. Dennis Pappas Sr., M.D.
Dr. Dennis Pappas Jr., M.D.
Dr. Dennis Pappas Jr. has been practicing otology at the Pappas Ear Clinic since 1994. He graduated with Honors from the University of Alabama and went on to attend medical school at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. His General Surgery and ENT residency
were completed at New York University Hospital in Manhattan. He rotated through Bellevue Hospital and the Manhattan VA Hospital. Upon conclusion of his residency, he completed a fellowship with the Ear Foundation in Nashville, Tennessee under the direction of Dr. Michael Glasscock. He achieved his Board certification in Otolaryngology directly following. In 2010, he became Board certified in Neurotology.
Jr. has developed a practice that deals with the management of disorders of hearing, balance, tinnitus, facial nerve, and lateral skull base disorder, including acoustic neuromas, BAHA and Cochlear implants. He serves as a referral source from physicians across our state and beyond.
Dr. Pappas has written and published articles and has authored chapters for text books. He has presented at educational meetings and has been accepted into Scientific and Professional Societies.
Dr. Pappas Jr. continues to run and serve on the board of the ECHO Foundation, that his father founded, to help the hearing impaired.
Dr. Dennis Pappas Sr. started his practice, The Pappas Ear Clinic over 50 years ago.
He graduated from the University of Tennessee Medical School and upon conclusion of his residency, he completed a fellowship at the House Ear Institute in Southern California. He was one of several who pioneered the specialty of Neurotology and has remained one of the leading authorities in the field having published numerous books, scientific articles, and has lectured at educational meetings all over the world.
He was the first Neurotologist to perform a cochlear implant in the state of Alabama. He founded the ECHO foundation and continues to serve to help the hearing impaired.
Dr. Pappas' knowledge is enshrined on the walls and cabinets throughout his clinic. This includes instruments and artifacts that represent diagnostic and therapeutic devices through the ages. Rare and old books, manuscripts in medicine, posters, portraits, and other medical memorabilia are included in the collection.